Photo © Matthias Wehofsky

Berlin a vu ces dernières années le collectif et label Dystopian s’imposer doucement mais sûrement comme l’un des plus séduisants de la techno moderne. Né lors de l’année de la chute du mur, le jeune Alex.Do a tout naturellement rejoint Rødhåd et le reste d’une équipe caractérisée par une certaine mélancolie complétée par un fort attachement aux sonorités profondes et mentales.
Mais Alex.Do c’est aussi une puissance et un rythme qui lors de ses sets parviennent à électrifier son audience et revigorer même le plus fatigué des danseurs un dimanche soir au Berghain. Après un premier morceau sorti sur Dystopian en 2013, nous attendons avec impatience les prochaines productions de ce jeune prodige berlinois !

Alex.Do sur Facebook, Resident Advisor, Soundcloud.

Le track idéal pour détruire un dancefloor ? The ideal track to slaughter a dancefloor?

Of course there come a lot of bangers to my mind and it was hard to decide one. But I think this one would fit the description very well.

Le track idéal en after ? The ideal track for an after party?

There are a few tracks from Minilogue I’m absolutely addicted to. Their special and in some ways random style of track arrangements is something I really like.
I don’t know whats the « After Party » sound but I really like to play this track in an advanced party situation.

Le track idéal pour commencer un set ? Best track to start a set?

I used this track sometimes to start a set and it worked quite good.

Le track idéal pour avoir le smile ? Best track to make people smile?

Magic tune. Every time I play this, the crowd is freaking out and during the large break towards the end it gets mental…

Le track idéal pour se délecter d’un 18 ans d’age dans un fauteuil au coin du feu ? Best track with an 18 year old wine sitting in a rocking chair next to the fireplace?

« Dickon Hinchliffe ‎– Red Riding: In The Year Of Our Lord 1980 » – Discogs

This is an outstanding movie soundtrack which will fit perfectly into this situation.

Le track idéal pour replonger en enfance ? Best track to dive back into childhood?

This was and will be one of my favourite pieces of music.

Le track idéal pour te réveiller ? Best track to wake you up?

Because this is my actual alarm ringtone and I love their Album « Woman“.

Le track idéal à n’importe quelle heure ? Best track at any time?

For me this is one of the most positive tunes i know and it gives me an amazing feeling while listening to it. Every time.
In my eyes this is sunshine pressed on vinyl.

Le track idéal pour caractériser tes productions ? Best track to characterize your productions best?

To be honest, I don’t want to describe my productions with pieces from other artists. Because it is my personal aspiration that my productions are able to speak for them self one day. My solo EP will be released on Dystopian this year, so watch out for this.

Le track idéal pour résumer tes inspirations musicales ? Best track to summarize your musical inspirations?

Therefor I have no audio link, because my musical inspiration is life in general.
With all its ups and downs.